Can we try and get Hansen vs Predator and TCAP on here?
No other streaming service (that I have access too in the UK) has either of these. I get why TCAP was cancelled (I don't know if/why HvP was cancelled), but the only other way of seeing these in the UK (probably in other locations too) is on YouTube videos where they have been cut in annoying places to avoid copyright, or in annoying compilation videos where you have some "youtuber" talking over them.
Thanks for reading
Yep, that gets my vote mate. Only a very small number have washed up on YouTube -- check out a channel there called The Cappening. They even have casting calls for people who auditioned as decoys!
Oh, and if you enjoy watching kiddie diddlers get sh*t shamed and arrested, there's some great amateur channels pumping out hours and hours of quality content each week. You've got Alex Rosen of Predator Poachers (on Rumble, watch with Microsoft Edge browser on your PC, iPad or Phone for add-free viewing), People vs Predators also on Rumble, Dads Against Predators, Colorado Ped Patrol and ScrappyMMA (561PC on YouTube). Scrappy is great, very professional (unlike Alex Rosen, who goes on for hours and hours using the Reid Technique to milk people into admitting they watch CP). There's a few hundred hours for you -- some great catches in there.