Takedown with Chris Hansen
12 Seasons
Over the past two decades, Chris Hansen's investigations have led to hundreds of would-be sex criminals being stopped in their tracks. Amazingly, after 500 arrests and hundreds of millions of video views, men continue to try to meet children online. So, his mission continues.
Ep. 1 - Takedown - Genesee - Hasta la Vista Pablo
Episode 1
Chris Hansen confronts alleged predator Pablo in Genesee County, Michigan.
Ep. 2 - Takedown - Grand Traverse - Third Strike Scott
Episode 2
Chris Hansen comes face to face with alleged predator Scott in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.
Ep. 3 - Takedown - Grand Traverse - Double Trouble
Episode 3
Chris Hansen confronts alleged predator Clay in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.
1:11:15Episode 4
Ep. 4 - Takedown - The Behavior Panel
Episode 4
Chris sits down with The Behavior Panel to analyze the body language of predators.
Ep. 5 - Takedown - Genesee - Brian’s Bad Turn
Episode 5
Chris Hansen confronts alleged predator Brian in Genesee County, Michigan.
Ep. 6 - Takedown - Genesee - Wayward Wesley
Episode 6
Wesley's decisions lead him to sit down with Chris Hansen during a Genesee County Sting operation.
Ep. 7 - Takedown - Genesee - Jeff's Tarnished Badge
Episode 7
Former police officer Jeff is caught in a Genesee County sting operation.
Ep. 8 - Takedown - Blount - Two for the Road
Episode 8
Chris confronts two alleged predators during an investigation in Blount County, Alabama.
Ep. 9 - Takedown - Blount - Who's Sorry Now?
Episode 9
Chris meets Eric face-to-face during a Blount County sting operation.
Ep. 10 - Takedown - Blount - Miguel's Twisted Trail
Episode 10
Chris confronts Miguel during a Blount County sting operation.