Ep. 19 - Gun Rights Activist John Lott joins the show
John and Bob discuss the reality behind gun control and its effectiveness against violent crime.
Ep. 18 - Electric Vehicle Analyst Michael Heberling joins the show
Michael Heberling joins the show to discuss the hidden downsides of modern electric vehicle policy.
Ep. 17 - Actor & Comedian Tommy Davidson joins the show
Bob and Tommy discuss his legendary career and his new path as an author and musician.
Ep. 16 - Author & Political Commentator Dr. Everett Piper joins the show
Bob and Dr. Piper discuss his infamous letter that led to his fame and inspired both his books.
Ep. 15 - Mass Shooting Expert Jaclyn Schildkraut joins the show
Bob and Jaclyn discuss the many sides and nuances of America's rise in mass shooting events.
Ep. 14 - Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza joins the show
Bob and Dinesh discuss his newest film 'Police State' and the true stories that it is based on.
Ep. 13 - Climate Change Researcher Steve Goreham joins the show
Steve and Bob discuss counterarguments to populist environmental claims and climate change.
Ep. 12 - Social Commentator Will Witt joins the show
Will and Bob discuss Will's work in warning young people about the dangers of A.I.
Ep. 11 - EMP Expert William Forstchen joins the show
Bob and William discuss the dangers that an EMP strike could have on US infrastructure and society.
Ep. 10 - Lawyer and Professor Alan Dershowitz joins the show
Alan and Bob discuss the ongoing situation in Israel and Palestine.
Ep. 9 - Gender Scholar Zach Elliott joins the show
Bob talks with Zach Elliott about his work on sex and gender studies for the Paradox Institute.
Ep. 8 - Comedian Dave Landau joins the show
Comedian Dave Landau talks about his past struggles as well as his comedic philosophy.
Ep. 7 - Author and Historian Xi Van Fleet joins the show
Xi Van Fleet compares the rise of Communist China and modern American society.
Ep. 6 - Community Activist Anthony Jones joins the show
Community Activist Anthony Jones joins the show to discuss his work with young men in Akron, OH.
Ep. 5 - Vaccine Inventor Dr. Robert Malone joins the show
Dr. Robert Malone, a leading mind in MRNA vaccines, joins to discuss his history in the field.
Ep. 4 - Activist Chris Elston joins the show
Activist Chris Elston joins the show to discuss the adolescent gender transition debate.
Ep. 3 - Former Presidential Candidate Larry Elder joins the show
Larry Elder has run in two presidential elections and discusses how to fix modern politics.
Ep. 2 - Veteran Travis Mills joins the show
Veteran, author, and public speaker Travis Mills is a quadruple amputee with relentless positivity.
Ep. 1 - Author Naomi Wolf joins the show
Feminist author Naomi Wolf joins the show to discuss her book and the ongoing conflict in Israel.