A shoplifter wanted on three counts of theft stayed out partying too long when she was spotted by agents, a fugitive known for using cocaine and being quite violent.
Up Next in Season 5
Bounty Hunters S5:E2 Fatal Accident
After days of searching old friends, the agents decide to check with family and find out that the fugitive suffered a fatal accident; agents Moody and Coats visit four different trailer parks before they track down and arrest the fugitive.
Bounty Hunters S5:E3 All-Nighter
Agent Keith Grant scours one of the worst areas of Brooklyn, looking for a drug-addicted prostitute. After an all-night stakeout, the agents hit the fugitive's house early in the morning.
Bounty Hunters S5:E4 Protecting His W...
The Bounty Hunters track a fugitive at a truck stop outside Raleigh, North Carolina. Bounty Hunters are in Southern California looking for a female fugitive whose boyfriend is heavily armed and has sworn he won't let his girlfriend be captured.